Prenuptial agreements have become a norm in most modern marriages. In Australia, family lawyers are a critical element when drafting prenuptial agreements. Here are some benefits of hiring a family lawyer when drafting a prenuptial agreement.
Independent Legal Advice
Under Australian law, couples that wish to get into prenuptial agreements must seek independent legal advice from a licenced family lawyer. Typically, the lawyer will go through the contract and inform you whether it protects your interests.
- When divorcing your partner, it may be tempting to represent yourself instead of hiring a divorce lawyer to represent your interest. As you will learn in the article below, there are numerous benefits of hiring a divorce lawyer to handle your divorce. They include: Divorce Eligibility Once you hire a divorce lawyer, they will assess your situation and advise whether the Australian Family Court can grant you a divorce. For example, your marriage must be recognised by the Australian legal system.
- One of the most challenging hurdles you are likely to face when divorcing or separating from your partner is child custody. If your children are still young, it is your legal obligation to support them until they obtain the legal age where they can make their own decisions and cater to their upkeep. Most couples differ on child custody issues. They fail to come into an amicable agreement on who is best suited to live with the kids and how to formulate a visitation plan.
- If you are filing for a divorce, one of the things you are probably thinking about is child custody. In most cases, the court grants child custody to the mother. However, in some cases, there may be joint custody. If you are convinced that you are better off with your child than your ex, then you need to hire a family lawyer to help you with your child custody case. Here are some benefits of hiring a child custody attorney.
- Are you thinking about speaking to a family lawyer? If you are facing any sort of legal battle, then having a lawyer who can act on your behalf is essential. They can ensure that your point of view is presented fairly and that everyone understands exactly what you think needs to happen. Why you should not represent yourself You might think that no-one understands your case better than you and that it would be best to forget about using a lawyer and to take on the case yourself.